Experiência de Marca

The Walking Dead receives a pop up book

Debuting the sixth season of the series, an pop up book was created to promote the series for fans and collectors.

In a promotional marketing the publisher Insight Edition have created a book "pop-up" to turn the premiere of the sixth season of the best zombie series The Walking Dead premiered last week.

This book can be used by libraries as POP material, being creative and inspired in a series that has millions of followers, and is an attraction for people to connect it to what is related to the supernatural theme.

The Walking Dead: The pop-up book, as it was called, tells a little of the story of the journey of the survivors throughout the seasons, illustrating in a "3D" way, various locations and even the zombies with various details. This is surely an issue that every fan of the series will want to have in your collection.

Check out the video Book activation: